Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Gordon does a good job of laying out that we often are drawn to rapid change and think in terms of "It's the wave of the future" and "You can't resist progress" (Pg. 104). This started me thinking...

It seems as though we often go over the top with our sound systems, colored lighting, fog machines, etc. (All for the sake of being "state of the art"). Many churches seem to be very materialistic in the amount of money that the sink into have the latest and greatest equipment. In doing that, it also seems as though many churches get sucked into the commercialism of putting on a good performance.

I don't think have "state of the art" equipment is necessarily wrong, but it seems like there needs to be a lot of wisdom applied to each situation...

How do we guard against getting caught up in materialism and commercialism in our pursuit of excellence in worship in our local churches?

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